00A05 General mathematics
(105 biblios)
00A05A General mathematics: Algebra
(59 biblios)
00A06 Mathematics for nonmathematicians
(28 biblios)
00A07 Problem books
(40 biblios)
00A08 Recreational mathematics
(28 biblios)
00A15 Bibliographies
(3 biblios)
00A20 Dictionaries and other general reference works
(28 biblios)
00A22 Formularies
(1 biblios)
00A30 Philosophy of mathematics
(18 biblios)
00A35 Methodology of mathematics, didactics
(11 biblios)
00A65 Mathematics and music
(4 biblios)
00A69 General applied mathematics
(47 biblios)
00A71 Theory of mathematical modeling
(9 biblios)
00A73 Dimensional analysis
(1 biblios)
00A79 Physics
(16 biblios)
00A99 Miscellaneous topics
(3 biblios)
00B05 Collections of abstracts of lectures
(2 biblios)
00B10 Collections of articles of general interest
(5 biblios)
00B15 Collections of articles of miscellaneous specific content
(13 biblios)
00B20 Proceedings of conferences of general interest
(14 biblios)
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
(32 biblios)
00B30 Festschriften
(4 biblios)
01 History and biography
(64 biblios)
01A05 General histories, source books
(2 biblios)
01A16 Egyptian
(2 biblios)
01A17 Babylonian
(1 biblios)
01A20 Greek, Roman
(3 biblios)
01A30 Islam
(1 biblios)
01A45 17th century
(3 biblios)
01A50 18th century
(1 biblios)
01A55 19th century
(12 biblios)
01A60 20th century
(12 biblios)
01A70 Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies
(25 biblios)
01A75 Collected or selected works; reprintings or translations of classics
(61 biblios)
01A80 Sociology of mathematics
(3 biblios)
03 Mathematical logic and foundations
(413 biblios)
03-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
(1 biblios)
05 Combinatorics
(110 biblios)
06 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures
(56 biblios)
08 General algebraic systems
(29 biblios)
11 Number theory
(230 biblios)
12 Field theory and polynomials
(43 biblios)
13 Commutative rings and algebras
(53 biblios)
14 Algebraic geometry
(116 biblios)
15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
(112 biblios)
16 Associative rings and algebras
(98 biblios)
16-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
(1 biblios)
17 Nonassociative rings and algebras
(27 biblios)
18 Category theory; homological algebra
(37 biblios)
19 $K$-theory
(9 biblios)
20 Group theory and generalizations
(123 biblios)
22 Topological groups, Lie groups
(45 biblios)
26 Real functions
(220 biblios)
28 Measure and integration
(78 biblios)
30 Functions of a complex variable
(162 biblios)
31 Potential theory
(17 biblios)
32 Several complex variables and analytic spaces
(48 biblios)
33 Special functions
(31 biblios)
34 Ordinary differential equations
(187 biblios)
35 Partial differential equations
(149 biblios)
37 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
(108 biblios)
39 Difference and functional equations
(10 biblios)
40 Sequences, series, summability
(10 biblios)
41 Approximations and expansions
(40 biblios)
42 Fourier analysis
(87 biblios)
43 Abstract harmonic analysis
(9 biblios)
44 Integral transforms, operational calculus
(27 biblios)
45 Integral equations
(21 biblios)
46 Functional analysis
(185 biblios)
47 Operator theory
(79 biblios)
49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization
(66 biblios)
51 Geometry
(140 biblios)
52 Convex and discrete geometry
(28 biblios)
53 Differential geometry
(165 biblios)
54 General topology
(68 biblios)
55 Algebraic topology
(73 biblios)
57 Manifolds and cell complexes
(64 biblios)
58 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds
(116 biblios)
60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
(253 biblios)
62 Statistics
(457 biblios)
65 Numerical analysis
(233 biblios)
68 Computer science
(532 biblios)
70 Mechanics of particles and systems
(56 biblios)
74 Mechanics of deformable solids
(17 biblios)
76 Fluid mechanics
(18 biblios)
78 Optics, electromagnetic theory
(13 biblios)
80 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer
(7 biblios)
81 Quantum theory
(89 biblios)
82 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
(27 biblios)
83 Relativity and gravitational theory
(38 biblios)
85 Astronomy and astrophysics
(8 biblios)
86 Geophysics
(5 biblios)
90 Operations research, mathematical programming
(144 biblios)
91 Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences
(50 biblios)
92 Biology and other natural sciences
(40 biblios)
93 Systems theory; control
(97 biblios)
94 Information and communication, circuits
(76 biblios)
97 Mathematics education
(84 biblios)
97-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
(5 biblios)
B-686 classification
(8 biblios)
B-687 classification
(5 biblios)
B-941 classification
(3 biblios)
IDIOMAS classification
(17 biblios)